Thursday, January 16, 2020

Better Rhythm with Disappearing H

 Disappearing H Practice

(We can omit and often omit his, her, hers, he, and him at the middle or end of a sentence.  Doing so helps us squeeze the pronouns between content words and achieve better rhythm.)

  Repeat after me.  Listen to the audio practice above.  Observe and imitate everything about the sentence.
1. He’s got her head on his shoulder.
( got her = godder.  on his = onniz)

2. How does she keep her head on her shoulders?
(keep her = keeper.  on her = onner)

3. He’s holding his hamster on his shoulder.
(holding his = holdingiz.  on his = onniz

4. He’s holding his daughter on his shoulders with his hands on her legs, and she has her arms on his head. 
holding his = holdingiz.  on his = onniz.  with his = withiz.  on her = onner.  has her = hazzer.  on his = onniz.

5. She has a pain on her back right next to her shoulder.
(on her = onner.  to her = toower)  Adding a W smoothly links “to” to “er.”)

6. He’s riding his bike with his girlfriend sitting behind him holding on to his hips.
(riding his = ridingiz.  with his = withiz.  behind him = behindim.  to his = toowiz.

7. She’s holding her daughter in her lap and helping her paint a picture.
(holding her = holdinger.  in her = inner.  helping her = helpinger.

8. She’s helping her son keep his balance on a log.
(helping her = helpinger.  keep his = keepiz.  

9. She’s sharing her carrot with her horse, but the horse’ll probably beat her to it.
(sharing her = sharinger.  with her = wither.  beat her = beader)  T becomes fast D between vowels.

10. He’s sharing his money with his buddy. 
(sharing his = sharingiz.  with his = withiz.)

11. Let’s talk to him before he changes his mind.
(to him = towim.  before he = beforee.  changes his = changeziz.)
12.  I gave her a chair and took one for myself, but she left hers in the other room.
(gave her = gaver.  Stress hers and say the H because we are contrasting it with “my” chair.)
13.  Tell him that he has to do it himself.
(Tell him = tellim.  that he = thudee.  that is reduced to thut, and T becomes Fast D between vowels.  it himself = idimself.)

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