Saturday, January 25, 2020

American English Rhythm Practice: Blending

Here are the written and audio materials for the video lesson on American English Rhythm Practice: Blending.  Listen to me saying each sentence and repeat after me in the blank space provided.  You will say each sentence several times.  Each time, you should notice something new about how I say the sentence.   Even if I say the sentence exactly the same way, you will still notice something you didn't notice the first time.  Sometimes, I say the sentence slightly differently, perhaps faster or slower or with different intonation.  Try to improve your observation and imitation skills.  Notice everything about the sentence: my pitch, volume, consonants, vowels, stress, linking of words and of course the blending.  Then imitate.   You can try recording yourself doing the audio so that you can compare your version to my version.  This is how you will improve.

1. He’ll congratulate you.
2. I won’t interrupt you.
3. He’s glad you’re watching.
4.  He hasn’t had any food yet.
5.  He hurts your ears.
6.  He tricks you with a book. 
7.  She wears your groceries.
8.  She rides your bike recklessly.
9. Watch your step.
10. Look at Mary’s yellow dress.
11. I miss you.
12. Did you go?
13. Can’t you go?
14. How was your vacation?

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